Why choose CeMM?

CeMM quality
CeMM is in many respects an unusual institution with ambitious long-term goals in reshaping the medical research landscape. The institute measures its performance by the quality and originality of the publications as well as by its ability to carry out projects with the medical university/general hospital that speak to potential diagnostic and therapeutic innovation. CeMM offers possibilities to work in a truly supportive environment that provides access to the latest molecular technologies and fosters cutting-edge research in an international, English-speaking, non-hierarchical environment, where medical doctors, veterinary doctors, biologists, chemists, engineers and mathematicians work side by side on a collegial, first-name basis. CeMM represents a cultural “oasis” that, in essence, equals going abroad in terms of cultural experience. According to a 2012 study by “The Scientist”, CeMM was ranked as the best academic workplace in Europe, and the fourth best in the world.
Fully funded for four years
CeMM PhD students are awarded a generous scholarship covering research costs, university fees, work-related travel, salary and health insurance for 4 years. The successful candidates will be paid according to the standards of the FWF - Austrian Science Fund, and will be fully insured by the ÖGK (accident, health, pension).
Access to top technology
CeMM offers a range of cutting-edge technological platforms for modern post-genomic methods - including deep sequencing, proteomics, chemical biology, a virology lab and access to imaging and sorting, biological-chip technologies and bioinformatics. CeMM’s expertise and state-of-the-art instrumentation are accessible to all its employees. Emphasis is given to unusually strong support through freedom and scientific infrastructure as well as supervision and administrative services that are needed to carry out the proposed project for the entire duration of the PhD Program.
Translational research
CeMM’s mission is to combine insight obtained from basic and clinical research and use it to implement the development of innovative therapeutic and diagnostic strategies. CeMM is positioned in medically-oriented research. In its short history it has published a growing series of “translationally” relevant publications (e.g. a Nature paper on acute macular degeneration mechanism by Weisman et al, or a NEJM paper that brings hope to many MPN patients; a newly identified mutation fills the gap in the molecular pathogenesis of MPN by Klampfl et al).
Inter-group collaboration
With 19 successful research groups, CeMM’s students benefit from the experience and expertise of a diverse range of research scientists. CeMM offers a collaborative culture, according to which students, postdocs and PIs contribute their expertise generously while accessing the expertise of all others in a modular fashion to lead multi-disciplinary projects efficiently and professionally.
Integrated campus
Located at the campus of the Medical University and the Vienna General Hospital, Austria’s largest medical research complex, CeMM functions as bidirectional channel between basic research and clinical applications. CeMM has multiple cooperation agreements with the Medical University of Vienna covering several PIs with dual appointments, access to facilities, library, etc.
English speaking
The official working language at CeMM is English – this includes all discussions and seminars, both formal and informal. German classes can be arranged for students who are keen to learn. CeMM has a strong intellectual environment that stems from the international nature of its employees (currently 48 nationalities represented). Diversity and different cultural backgrounds are a clear advantage to successful research, collaborations, and the day-to-day business.
Living in Vienna
For 10 years, Vienna has been ranked as the number one city in the world for the best quality of life.